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MyAfrica-Logistics is specialized in the supply chain for import and export, by sea, air and land.

MyAfrica-Logistics offers you the possibility to buy products from all over the world and have them delivered to the place of your choice. We take care of the negotiations, from purchase to delivery. Thanks to our 1000 m² of storage space in Germany, we can buy individual products from all over Europe and put them together in a common container.

  • Purchase of goods all over the world.
  • Contact with suppliers and negotiations
  • 1000 m² of storage space in Germany
  • Collection of containers
  • Transport / Delivery
  • Large network of industrial companies in Europe
Shipping Container

Business representation

entreprise representation in Guinea

If you wish to set up in Guinea or in a country of the region in West Africa, we are your privileged interlocutor. Thanks to our network, we allow you to enter smoothly on the West African market.

West African market. Our good relations in the economic and political world give us access to an extensive customer network.